Our dogs





The newest member of our family is Biscuit. Biscuit’s pedigree name is Millviews Bells and Whistles. She is born on 18-02-2010. Of course she is BAER tested and can hear in both ears (+/+), so can all her litter brothers and sisters. She is bred by Stephanie Yates of Dalmatian kennel Millviews Dalmatiner – Caprilli Dalmatians in Germany – UK. Biscuit’s mother is the fabulous sweet wonderful Caprilli’s Guardian Angel (Tegan). Biscuit’s father is the handsome cool guy Chilli Pepper in Raul (Carro). Our Biscuit will become the mum of our first Siamsa litter. We feel so very honered that Stephanie trusted us with this little precious darling.

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Linga’s pedigree name is Namara’s Pocketfull of Rainbows. She is born on 1-6-2005 at kennel Namaras. Of course Linga is BAER tested and she is bilateral hearing (+/+). Her mother is the beautiful Namara’s End of the Rainbow (Dakota) and her father is the handsome Magic Moonstone (Ezra). Through Linga we learned to love this breed even more. She is a really funny fantastic unique bitch with a very steady temperament. She is our lovely princess. We are grateful that Erna trusted us with Little LingaPlinga!

Her weight is: 28 kg. Her height is: 58 cm.

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